This Cow ripple came about when I was interviewing a future employee and they asked if I could describe working at our place.
I said it is like working in a tornado. Sometimes it is really calm and sunny. And just when you think things could not get any better, you see a Cow fly by and land on your desk and you have to clean up the mess.
Since then I have acquired a toy flying cow that hangs above my desk. Once in a while when things are getting a bit stormy [Ok that was bad but I had to…] I turn “Marge” the cow on and she circles around flapping her wings for a while.
This has also given us a rating system to gauge how the day is going.
# Cows = Rating

0 = Easy day
1 = Relatively calm
2 = OK could use a little help here
3 = Now we’re in for a long day
4 = Where’s that drink?
5 = Should have stayed home today
6 = Aaaaaah!!! UGH!!!
There could be many more but you get the idea… Uh Oh. I just saw a cow fly by. I have to go clean up now.